Member-only story
What Do You Do During Early Retirement?
A Question Frequently Asked
After a 14-year career, I quit six months ago. When people asked what I did for a living, I told them that I retired. But that answer always seemed to invite more questions, like “So what do you do every day?” My husband and I pondered the same question ourselves leading up to retirement, too.
Conventional wisdom says that people retire in their 60s or 70s when their energy levels are lower and they’re looking to spend quality time with loved ones. So what do people in their 30s or 40s do after retirement?
Well, I hope this article can shed some light on that question.
First, it’s more about freedom and less about retirement
One thing that makes corporate America prosper is the ability to create enormous value from innovation and teamwork. But capitalism does not always love you back. There are rigid ladders for you to climb as motivation. There are cruel layoffs to balance off the economic demands.
It’s no wonder that nearly half of Americans now advocate for a socialist society. But having come from such a society myself, I know that such a shift would come with its own set of challenges. I believe that a free and capitalist society is ultimately the better choice.